Immerse Yourself for Transformative Results 

200 hr Mentorship and Training  

1. Community support gets you results with the changes you're looking to make

2. Overcome boredom and burnout by working with a fascinating population who really appreciates you, and a light touch

3. Build a sustainable and profitable massage practice that gets new clients in the door, while positively impacting your local community


Join the waitlist for our September 14th start! 

Elevate your skills. Build a thriving massage therapy practice. Connect with a supportive community.

*Limited time offer until April 30! Save up to $1500 on registration fees.  Join the waitlist and book your Clarity Call to activate!

Add your info below to join our waitlist for September 14, 2024! 









NCBTMB Approved Provider! 

Nationally Accredited Across the USA

National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) has recognized our "Comprehensive 
Breast and Chest Surgery Training: A Guide for Massage Therapists" for 39 CEUs.

This program is the backbone of our Mentorship and Training Academy.  It comprises the following courses:

  • Foundations: Breast Surgery Basics
  • Level 1: 18 Types of Breast and Chest Surgery
  • Level 2: Top 10 Post-op Complications


Welcome to our Mentorship and Training Academy for Breast, Chest and Oncology Massage!

We are dedicated to empowering massage therapists like you to take your practice to the next level, while filling a vital gap in healthcare, all while under the close guidance of a mentor and supportive community.

If you're ready to enhance your skills, build confidence, and make a real impact for your clients and local community, you're in the right place! 💫

Question for you:

If these 4 types of mastectomy clients walked into your treatment room, would you know what to do?

The variances in surgeries and what people go through is huge, and you may not currently know what type of surgery is what. That's why were are here, so you CAN know what to do without feeling like an impostor.

One of our Mentorship Academy students said: "You gave all of us who were lost and fumbling a place to land. And through all this we can extend the reach to so many people."

So Many Benefits to Supporting Specific Populations!

When you learn to support women's health, trans health and oncology patients with pre- and post-op massage, you are tapping into a population who:

  • want AND NEEDS a light touch
  • are so grateful for your support
  • offer infinite variety in presentations

No more "body factories" where you are grinding out massage to endless necks and backs, doing the same thing over and over again.

Instead, you can feel educated, empowered and confident as a massage therapist with treating a fascinating population going through major life experiences.

What people are saying...

"This mentorship is exactly what I needed to get this going and really drive the change in my practice. So THANK YOU!!! 💕👏🏼 You are changing the lives of us RMTs, and all the women we are lucky enough to support through this work."

~ Mentee feedback


"There is so much variance in this work that it’s impossible to get bored. And I’m excited that it’s going to allow me more longevity in my career."

~ Mentee feedback

"The most fascinating course I've ever taken"

"Everyone should take this course! It's principles reach beyond breast surgery and breast massage. It's even boosted my confidence in treating other surgeries and scars" - K.S. 

"Very impressed with Eryn’s teaching"

"She addressed different styles of learning and looked after the students well being. The course felt very heart centred" - B.R.

"Material is so organized and so pleasing to work through".

"I’ve taken other courses and this certainly sits at the top when it comes to seeing your passion, professionalism, research and organization. Thank you so much, Eryn and team!" - S.S.

The Core Curriculum of the Mentorship and Training Academy

In-depth Training for All the Massage Skills You Need

In our Fully Accredited Comprehensive Breast and Chest Surgery Training, the backbone of our Mentorship and Training Academy, you will receive expert guidance on expanding and elevating your massage therapy practice to support patients seeking breast and chest massage with evidence-informed and human-centric care.

Our massage clients typically fall into one of the following categories:

  • Breast cancer patients
  • Women undergoing elective breast surgeries
  • Folks doing gender affirming top surgery

This vital core curriculum is seamlessly integrated into our mentorship program, designed to empower you to apply this knowledge effectively in real-world practice.


Our Core Curriculum Contains the Following 4 Courses:


Breast Surgery Basics

Medically-indicated Breast and Chest Massage

  • Anatomy for breasts and chest
  • Getting informed consent
  • Assessments, including taking therapeutic images
  • Charting, including intake, treatment
  • Language for treating sensitive areas
  • Proper draping for patient safety
  • Professional boundaries
  • Circulatory techniques for breast health
  • Myofascial release to overcome adhesions and restrictive tissues
  • Stretching to promote chest openness and flexibility 

Level 1*

What's Happening Under the Skin

18 Types of Breast and Chest Surgery

  • 13 breast cancer surgeries
  • 3 elective breast surgeries
  • 2 transgender/non-binary gender-affirming top surgeries
  • The difference between a DIEP and TRAM flap
  • How best to treat a Lats flap
  • The difference between a breast lift and breast reduction
  • Joint mobilizations for ribs and clavicle
  • Scar tissue treatment for breasts and abdomen
  • Treatments within the biopyschosocial spiritual model of care

Level 2*

When Things Go Wrong

The top 10 Post-op Complications

  • What you can and cannot treat using mindful massage therapy
  • Breast-cancer related lymphedema and how to do preventative care
  • Chording and how it relates to the lymphatic system
  • Breast capsular contracture and how to reduce it
  • Necrosis and what you can and cannot do with it
  • Breast implant illness and how to manage it
  • The difference between hematomas and seromas
  • Iron Bra Syndrome and how you can reduce it

Integrative Cancer Care

Breast Cancer Specific

Working Safely with Chemotherapy and Radiation

  • 6 visible signs of breast cancer
  • 8 different types of breast cancer
  • The difference between stages and grades of breast cancer
  • How to recognize metastasis
  • Working with people going through chemotherapy
  • Working with people going through radiation
  • How massage therapy can help manage side effects of intensive medical treatments for breast cancer
  • Being a supportive team member in your patient's journey
  • Managing your own boundaries so you don't get burnt out

The three courses listed with an asterix (*) are accredited in the following places:



  • NCBTMB: 39 CEUs



  • Nova Scotia: In-person 22.5 CEUs; Online 18 CEUs
  • Manitoba: 45 units
  • Newfoundland and Labrador: 7.50 CEUs per level, online or in-person
  • Saskatchewan: In-person 45 CEUs; Online 36 CEUs
  • Alberta: In progress
  • British Columbia: Part of PDP learning
  • Ontario: Valid for Strive program

Please note: The other provinces and territories do not offer credits. Please check how the course fits into your continuing education requirements.


Yes I want to learn this; add me to the waitlist!

Program Details

200 hour program designed to get you on-the-ground results


The Backbone: Training and Mentorship Calls

Our comprehensive program includes live weekly training and mentorship calls on select Mondays over a 6-month period.  All calls are virtual, so as long as you have internet, you can get quality education no matter where you live. 

There are three types of calls, all are LIVE transmissions:

  1. Comprehensive Training Sessions
  2. Group Mentorship Calls 
  3. Personalized One-on-one Calls

These live sessions provide targeted guidance and support to help you navigate treating complex surgeries, master new light-touch techniques, and enhance your overall practice.

Although we are sharing this information to boost societal support for breast, chest and oncology patients, much of the information is applicable to other clients as well.

  • 1. Comprehensive Training Sessions: Dive deep into the world of massage therapy with our comprehensive training sessions.

    Running on select Mondays from 10 am to 4 pm (Pacific Time), these 10 live technical training sessions cover a wide range of topics, including:

    • Specific techniques for treating 18 types of breast and chest surgeries
    • Strategies for addressing the top 10 post-operative complications
    • Methods for providing safe and effective therapeutic breast massage
    • Mindfulness training to increase connection and human-centric care
    • Trauma-informed care for safe and effective treatments
  • 2. Group Mentorship Calls: Connect with a supportive community of like-minded practitioners during our group mentorship calls.

  • Held on select Mondays from 1 pm to 2:30 pm (Pacific Time) over 12 sessions, these calls provide opportunities to share experiences, exchange knowledge, and gain valuable insights from fellow participants.

    Get time to set up your booking site, prepare your community talks, get guidance on forming connections with other healthcare professionals and debrief practice sessions from within a supportive container.
  • 3. Personalized One-on-One Calls: Throughout the program, you'll receive personalized one-on-one calls with your main mentor.

    These calls are tailored to your individual needs and goals, offering focused guidance and support to help you thrive in your practice.


PLUS! More avenues of support.....

Practice Sessions Review: Submit practice session videos for personalized feedback and guidance on your massage techniques, ensuring you're providing the highest level of care to your clients.

Accountability Buddies: 3 special people to bond with, share the journey and form lasting friendships!  

Private Community: Connect with your cohort 24/7, track your weekly successes, discuss cases, complete action challenges and message with your cohort for enriched learning and connection.

MG Treatment LIbrary: videos of evidence-informed massage and wellness techniques to reference 24/7.  It's like a video textbook that you have access to for the duration of the Mentorship and Training Academy.  Start a subscription once the program is done to keep accessing content!

Digital Technology Training: Become a modern therapist by learning digital technology to grow your business, such as: Google Docs, Google Sheets, Dropbox, Canva, JaneApp, Mailchimp, Chat GPT, Meta, Kajabi



Key Logistics:

Delivery method: Virtual

Primary days: Most Mondays (except Stats), and some Saturdays

  • Comprehensive Training: 10 am - 4 pm pst
  • Mentorship Group Calls: 1 pm - 2:30 pm pst

Hours per week: 8 average

Total number of hours: 200

*Please note: You may need to adjust your schedule to make space for this mentorship opportunity.  It is totally doable!!  This is not a self-paced program, so if you are not willing to make room for the live transmissions, it may not be the program for you. If you are willing to make space, we invite you in to grow and celebrate with us!! 



Add your name to our waitlist so you can learn more about the program and get educated while you wait!

The next Mentorship & Training Academy is starting September 14, 2024.  Limited spots are available, so be sure to put your name down on the list!

Yes, I'm ready to start training! Add my name to the waitlist


Advanced Training That Goes Beyond "New Tools in Your Toolbox" and Sets You Up for Real Life

  • Massage Therapy Business Building: Get off the "massage mill" by receiving guidance on building your massage therapy business centered around light touch techniques, mindful and sustainable practices, while integrating scientific evidence

  • Evidence-informed Training: In-depth technical training equips you to comfortably offer therapeutic breast massage, how to safely treat 18 types of breast and chest surgery and the top 10 post-op complications

  • Supportive Community: Overcome feelings of isolation with a heart-centred and like-minded community of purpose-driven practitioners
  • Marketing Workshops: Three tailored workshops specifically for massage therapists focusing on building relationships, increasing visibility, and establishing community connections. 

    You'll receive training in digital platforms and learn how to schedule marketing posts efficiently to save time and energy

  • Digital Technology Training: Comprehensive digital training to enhance your technology skills, empowering you to confidently utilize digital platforms for flexible learning and be able to grow your massage therapy business

  • Personalized Attention: Extensive personalized attention to ensure you are keeping up, including one-on-one mentorship calls, treatment reviews, and access to a private supportive community

  • Accountability Support: You'll connect with 3 Accountability Buddies to help you stay on track with your goals and progress, and to form closer bonds with

  • Flexible modern learning:
    You're an adult with a full life, so you need flexible solutions for learning.  We cater to 5 different learning styles, interactive live-taught classes, plus evergreen content that allows you to catch up when you can't make a live transmission.


Join the hundreds of people who have said "YES" to  world-class education!

Available Virtually, Anywhere You Live.

Yes I want to learn this, take me to the waitlist!

Meet Your Mentor

Hi! I'm Eryn 😃🦋

I've been working in the healing arts for almost 25 years, the last 13 dedicated to massage therapy. I got my "10,000+ hours" of hands-on treatment with breast and chest surgery patients years ago, so I'm now helping other people open their practice to this very unique and beautiful population.

I've now trained about 375 therapists across 3 countries in my professional training programs, and educated many hundreds more through educational events.

I find working with people going through breast cancer an extremely meaningful career path, one that allows us to touch the human spirit at a very vulnerable time of life.  

It is also a population that needs and appreciates a light touch, so it's a good body saver - something I desperately needed after facing unrelenting chronic pain and burnout just a few years into my massage therapy career.

Pivoting my practice to support people going through cancer treatments and related surgeries has provided incredible inspiration, purpose and passion in my work, and gotten me out of chronic pain as well.

I'm excited to share this path with you, so you can have a meaningful and sustainable career!

Can't wait to see you inside the Academy! 💕😃

What people are saying about our Professional training:

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