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1. Transitioning to Light-Touch Techniques in Post-Surgical Massage: A Guide for Seasoned Therapists

Welcome to our series on post-surgical massage therapy! Today, we'll dive into the basics of post-surgical massage, its benefits, and how transitioning to light-touch techniques can enhance your practice and patient outcomes.

The Importance of Post-Surgical Massage: Post-surgical massage is...

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Difference Between Grades and Stages of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is assessed using two different systems: grading and staging. While both systems provide crucial information about the cancer, they focus on different aspects of the disease and have distinct purposes in diagnosis and treatment planning.

Grades of Breast Cancer

Grades refer to how...

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Compare: pre-pectoral vs. sub-pectoral breast reconstruction

Yesterday I spoke to the main nurse care coordinator for the primary breast surgeons in Vancouver.


She mentioned surgeons increasingly opt for pre-pectoral implant placement in breast cancer surgery for reconstruction over sub-pectoral placement, which is a switch from what they used to...

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Breast Reconstruction Surgery - Autologous vs. Non-autologous: What's the difference?
There are many ways to get breast reconstruction after breast cancer, and there are two main differentiating factors in choosing what type of surgery to have:
  • whether they use the person's own body parts to recreate a breast (autologous)
  • whether they use a foreign object, such as an...
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Moving Beyond: History of Mastectomy

Women have been undergoing surgery and cauterization of breast cancer tumours for many thousands of years.  Early surgical interventions would be considered inhumane in today's world.  

Knowing what millions of women have gone through educates us on the levels of generational...

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Unlocking Healing Potential: The Transformative Role of Massage Therapy in Scar Tissue Recovery

Scar Tissue is a Natural Part of the Body

Scar tissue is a natural part of the body's healing process, but when left unaddressed, it can cause discomfort and limited mobility. As massage therapists, we have the unique opportunity to unlock the healing potential within scar tissue, providing our...

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