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Understanding Scar Tissue Healing: The Role of Mindfulness and Massage

Scar tissue healing is a complex process that requires a delicate balance of knowledge, skill, and intuition. In recent years, the power of mindfulness has emerged as a valuable tool in enhancing scar tissue healing outcomes.

By cultivating a deep sense of presence and awareness, massage...

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5 Benefits of Oncology Massage

When a person is going through cancer, getting all the support they can is necessary.  Massage therapy is uniquely positioned to be able to help with many of the side effects of medical treatments, and can provide a doorway into self-care that fosters resilience and healing. 



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What is Chording (Axillary Web Syndrome) and How Can Massage Therapy Help?

I remember a patient I had years ago who presented with significant chording down her right arm after her second breast cancer surgery.  She didn’t complain about it, of course, as it was not in her nature to make a fuss over anything.  But she did mention she’s got these...

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Your Massage Therapy Practice: Why Professional Development Matters

In a year when BC massage therapists are not required to do any professional development courses, I'm wondering what our fellow RMTs will do with that moratorium.  

Will it be the norm to skip any and all professional development and coast on what's been learned before?

Or will...

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Informed Consent in massage therapy: 1 method you may not have considered

When working with breast and top surgery patients, getting informed consent is critical.

This is so the person knows without a shadow of a doubt what is happening and why, so they’re never caught unawares or surprised that you’re treating their sensitive areas.

Getting informed...

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I've got a patient, friend or family member going through breast cancer and I don't know how to help them, what can I do?

It can be really challenging to see a person you care about going through a very serious illness like breast cancer, and not know what to do to help them.

As a massage therapist, it's not a good feeling when someone comes to you looking for help and instead of feeling empowered and knowledgeable...

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